Wednesday 29 January 2014

All About our Wool Blankets

We find our blankets really anywhere we can get our hands on them. We have a rotation of second hand shops in and around London we like to visit. The most important thing we look for is that they are all 100% wool. Almost all blankets will say so on the tag. Let me tell you, the tags on these babies are quite possibly the coolest thing ever, and will tell you so much about these blankets. If you are anything like us, we see so much importance in shopping locally, and buying things we can trace back to somewhere. Most wool blankets we find are Canadian made, lets be honest, these blankets are so stereotypically Canadian and we can't help but love them. Another really cool thing about these tags is that they will say exactly where they are made, whether it is in Blyth (so close!) Montreal, Toronto or many, many other places.We also happen to find a lot of blankets that are from the army. We love the dark greys and reds these blankets bring the table, a very Moonrise Kingdom feel. We love knowing We are wearing something made right here in the Country we live in.
The majority of the rest of the blankets are made in England. The Hudson's Bay blankets are made in England, as well as other amazing quality blankets.

What we love about this little business we have is that we have used so many blankets that we have recieved as gifts. So many people we know have had these blankets for years and years (talk about amazing quality!) and let us take them off their blacks. How great is it that something old can be brought new life. We have used a blanket my parents got as a wedding gift almost 40 years ago, blankets from Aunts and Grandparents, even some generious people who knew about Sew Deer and wanted to give away a few. We love seeing people come together as a community and recycle!

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