Thursday 6 February 2014

Upcycling Boy Addition

I wanted to share with you a really cool upcycling project my brother Travis did.
Travis lives in Nova Scotia where he is attending school. He is pretty crafty himself and whenever he is home he often has some sort of project on the go. He definitely is into more industrial and rustic DIY projects which is a lot different from what my mom and I do. I love his style. I always love to see what he is working on. Over christmas break he was working on some leather coasters and a few summers ago he was making rings out of old coins.
He gave me this one for my birthday years back! I still love it!

The project I really want to tell you about is this bar he made last summer.

This bar is made all out of recycled wood, more specifically pallets. He took apart all of the pallets that him and my mom found on the side of the road, so basically wood for free! He stained all the wood with different colours and planned everything all out. He did all the staining and planning in London then brought everything back to Wolfville and put it all together.


I haven't seen the bar in person but the pictures look really awesome. I especially love the carvings, makes it look one of a kind!


  1. one of my favourite posts from you.. keep it up girl!

  2. so cool.. great project.. wish i could do something like this. love it.. great work
