Saturday 15 November 2014

DIY Wall Hangings

As the holidays come I know it is almost everyones intention to give handmade gifts. Unfortunately, the days pass and the time comes to start preparing gifts and it is way too late to attempt to make all your gifts. These wall hangings are super simple to make, you need very few materials and you can customize them to who ever they are going to. I think these would look beautiful in a babies room or hanging in a living room, the options are endless!

This is what I used for my wall hangings but you could really use whatever you have lying around like feathers, beads and strips of fabric.

For this wall hanging I wrapped the wood with embroidery floss and randomly hung string in different directions. I finished the piece with a strip of leather to hang.

For this wall hanging I used a few different colours of string and then intertwined them together. Again I used a strip of leather to hang.

Hope you all enjoy! I will be back with a few more DIY christmas gifts. I myself am going to attempt to make all my gifts this year. Wish me luck!