Sunday 13 July 2014

Moving House

As some of you know I will be moving in just a few months, although I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life I am so SO sad to be leaving my current little apartment. I have lived in this apartment for about four years and it is the first place I have lived that is completely mine. Every little space in this place is filled with memories and growth. I tend to get attached to things that really aren't really a big deal but I know this place will always be a part of me and who I am. I wanted to take a few photos to show everyone where my inspiration comes from. I recently read a great post on the FP blog (I am still obsessed) about collecting and how it is such a great feeling to have many things around you that you love. I think it is important to surrond yourself with things that inspire you. Who cares about the newest trend or if being a minialmist is cool, if you like it, keep it! Trust me, I have gotten some pretty mixed opinions from people who see my place, ranging from "This place is seriously cute" to "It looks like someones grandma died in here". I guess that sums up my taste, eclectic grandma? That is why I love this place so much, I can look around and remember every person who gave me each little trinket and remember that time in my life and the fun story behind it. So I am sure when the day does come I have to leave this place I will be in tears but will happily remember all the great things that took place in this place!

I will be blogging the new and fun things we will doing in the new place and of course the thrifty way we decorate, so stay tuned for that. I am really looking forward to the new studio space I will have. I know I will have the most fun decorating that room.