Wednesday 4 June 2014

Being Cool and Being Safe

Hello all!
Summer is finally here! Yay! What is everyone looking forward to doing during the warm months? I am really hoping to spend more time outdoors enjoying the sun.
One way I love doing this is by biking instead of using my car so much. I rode my bike a bunch last year but unfortunately and kind of hilariously I fell off my bike early in the year and was scared to go back on for the rest of the summer. I don't know about anyone else but I am not the best bike rider and I always feel like I could possibly crash into everything haha. I feel 100% safer when wearing a helmet but I cannot handle how ugly every single helmet is. I know, I know, I really shouldn't care about this but I want to look at least a little bit cool while riding a bike. Thinking of ways to revamp a helmet, I came up with the simple idea of just painting on it! You could potentially paint whatever you want on your helmet to make it your own, just get crafty and have fun!

All you need for this project is some paint (make sure you get some waterproof and multipurpose paint, or if not, grab a sealer to make sure your paint does not chip or come off in the rain), some paint brushes and of course a helmet.
I picked mine up at wal-mart for about $30, if I didn't have such an odd sized head I could probably find one cheaper. I am sure you can!
All you do is start painting!
As you know, I enjoy anything that looks handmade so I like that these flowers are a little messy and different sizes. If you wanted something a bit more uniform you can just pick up a stencil or even just print one out.
There was this really ugly sticker on the front of my helmet so I just put a giant daisy over top of it. I almost wanted to put jewels over it but I thought it may be a little much, even for me.
I know this isn't for everyone but why not have a little fun while being safe!