Sunday 12 April 2015

Upcycled Painted Wooden Bowls

Finally spring is here! I usually seem to get inspired to switch up little things around my space to ring in the new season. This DIY is very easy to do and will look great in any space.

Adding simple changes to these ordinary wooden bowls can really change these pieces into something totally unique and fun. These wooden bowls are quite easy to find at thrift stores and are sold for next to nothing.

There are many different types of wooden items you can find at the thrift store. These are just a few pieces that can be used.

These bowls are super easy to make. All that you need is some paint or a paint pen and the bowls. I used the pen as I find them much easier to make smaller details with. After that, you can just use your creativity and go crazy! The ones I made, I looked up some mandala images and found some inspiration there but the sky is the limit to how you want to design these bowls.

Saturday 15 November 2014

DIY Wall Hangings

As the holidays come I know it is almost everyones intention to give handmade gifts. Unfortunately, the days pass and the time comes to start preparing gifts and it is way too late to attempt to make all your gifts. These wall hangings are super simple to make, you need very few materials and you can customize them to who ever they are going to. I think these would look beautiful in a babies room or hanging in a living room, the options are endless!

This is what I used for my wall hangings but you could really use whatever you have lying around like feathers, beads and strips of fabric.

For this wall hanging I wrapped the wood with embroidery floss and randomly hung string in different directions. I finished the piece with a strip of leather to hang.

For this wall hanging I used a few different colours of string and then intertwined them together. Again I used a strip of leather to hang.

Hope you all enjoy! I will be back with a few more DIY christmas gifts. I myself am going to attempt to make all my gifts this year. Wish me luck!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Moving House

As some of you know I will be moving in just a few months, although I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life I am so SO sad to be leaving my current little apartment. I have lived in this apartment for about four years and it is the first place I have lived that is completely mine. Every little space in this place is filled with memories and growth. I tend to get attached to things that really aren't really a big deal but I know this place will always be a part of me and who I am. I wanted to take a few photos to show everyone where my inspiration comes from. I recently read a great post on the FP blog (I am still obsessed) about collecting and how it is such a great feeling to have many things around you that you love. I think it is important to surrond yourself with things that inspire you. Who cares about the newest trend or if being a minialmist is cool, if you like it, keep it! Trust me, I have gotten some pretty mixed opinions from people who see my place, ranging from "This place is seriously cute" to "It looks like someones grandma died in here". I guess that sums up my taste, eclectic grandma? That is why I love this place so much, I can look around and remember every person who gave me each little trinket and remember that time in my life and the fun story behind it. So I am sure when the day does come I have to leave this place I will be in tears but will happily remember all the great things that took place in this place!

I will be blogging the new and fun things we will doing in the new place and of course the thrifty way we decorate, so stay tuned for that. I am really looking forward to the new studio space I will have. I know I will have the most fun decorating that room.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Being Cool and Being Safe

Hello all!
Summer is finally here! Yay! What is everyone looking forward to doing during the warm months? I am really hoping to spend more time outdoors enjoying the sun.
One way I love doing this is by biking instead of using my car so much. I rode my bike a bunch last year but unfortunately and kind of hilariously I fell off my bike early in the year and was scared to go back on for the rest of the summer. I don't know about anyone else but I am not the best bike rider and I always feel like I could possibly crash into everything haha. I feel 100% safer when wearing a helmet but I cannot handle how ugly every single helmet is. I know, I know, I really shouldn't care about this but I want to look at least a little bit cool while riding a bike. Thinking of ways to revamp a helmet, I came up with the simple idea of just painting on it! You could potentially paint whatever you want on your helmet to make it your own, just get crafty and have fun!

All you need for this project is some paint (make sure you get some waterproof and multipurpose paint, or if not, grab a sealer to make sure your paint does not chip or come off in the rain), some paint brushes and of course a helmet.
I picked mine up at wal-mart for about $30, if I didn't have such an odd sized head I could probably find one cheaper. I am sure you can!
All you do is start painting!
As you know, I enjoy anything that looks handmade so I like that these flowers are a little messy and different sizes. If you wanted something a bit more uniform you can just pick up a stencil or even just print one out.
There was this really ugly sticker on the front of my helmet so I just put a giant daisy over top of it. I almost wanted to put jewels over it but I thought it may be a little much, even for me.
I know this isn't for everyone but why not have a little fun while being safe!

Saturday 26 April 2014

DIY Balm

I don't know about you but my lips and skin have taken a major beating this winter and even though the weather is getting nicer I am still dealing with many issues. I really am a firm believer that less is more when it comes to what you put on your skin and body. I was browsing the internet to find a simple balm I could make to use on parts of my body that need a little help getting back to normal, I got some ideas and came up with this!

All you need for this balm is beeswax, coconut oil, little containers and some essential oils that you like (I picked lemongrass, yum!)

The first thing you do is grate the beeswax. You need equal parts wax to coconut oil, so grate however much you need depending on how much balm you are making.

The next step is to add the coconut oil to the beeswax, remember equal parts of both! Make sure to use a bowl that you don't care too much about because the wax can turn into a crazy mess.

Put the bowl in the microwave until it is all melted into a liquid.

Add the essential oil (just a few drops) into your liquid and quickly pour into your little containers. It would be really cool if you had some vintage pill boxes to put your balm in, but I didn't so I used these little watch containers from Lee Valley.

Let the balm dry and you are done!

I used little dollies to wrap the containers that I just had laying around my place, vintage napkins or fabrics would be really cute as well. Remember packaging is the best part! Well in my opinion!

I was also inspired by the Free People blog to start looking into making my own skin care and makeup products. Have you checked it out? It is for sure one of my current obsessions!


Thursday 6 March 2014

Flowers in my Hair

Winter has been way too long and I think at this point everyone needs a little bit of summer in their life. I wanted to post this super easy and fast DIY flower crown.
All you need for this project is some fake flowers, glue, elastic, ribbon or suede, and a sewing machine (optional)

The first thing you do is take the flowers off the wire stems so it is just the head of the flower.
The elastic I used for this was basically like a bra strap, all you need to do with this type of elastic is put the flowers through the little holes, add a little glue and you are good to go! If you are just using plain elastic you can make little holes or just use a little bit more glue to stick them in place.

The next thing you do is measure the size of suede or ribbon you want for your tie and cut it.
Then sew the two pieces of suede or ribbon to the elastic and you are done! If you don't have a sewing machine you could just use a strong glue to hold everything in place as well.

This project costs at the most $5, took me maybe 10 minutes to make and looks like something you can buy at Urban Outfitters.
I am going to be wearing mine this weekend pretending its July.

Monday 3 March 2014

Favourite Second Hand Finds Part 2: My Mom

1. Print Shop Trays
These print trays are not only really cool looking but are also very practical. My mom got the idea of these from seeing something similar at Pottery Barn. She always had the beachy natural style to the house so this fits right in. The seashells were just collected from where ever and they look perfect displayed on this tray, I especially like how it is turned on its side to fit perfectly in this little nook.

The other tray is used in my mom's sewing room. She can't remember where the idea came from but is very useful to store all her thread. She actually collects a lot of spools of vintage thread so this can show them all off. I have one at my apartment with all my thread as well. My mom got her trays at Aberfoyle Antique Market in Guelph and at a garage sale for about $10 each. These things are around but do tend to be overpriced, so $10 is definitely a steal!

2. Embroidered Dress
My mom got this dress from The Salvation Army for $4-5. We have both always been a fan of handmade stuff and loved the look of these dresses for a few years. When my mom got this dress she only had to hem it and then she was good to go! She loves wearing this dress in the summer with tights, does it not scream summer or what! I have to say (so does she) she got this idea from me wearing them and I still claim she stole this dress from me.

3. Mat and Nat Purse
My mom likes big purses and had been looking for a big leather purse for the winter for quite awhile. I found this bag for my mom at a store I work at called Mine101. It is an awesome store that is run by the Women's Community House and all the money made goes to the children's programs at the shelter. This brand Mat and Nat is actually a vegan product made to look and feel like real leather. These bags are usually quite pricey so $20 was quite a bargain. She has had this bag for a few years and it is still going strong!

4. Wooden Bowl
This bowl is my mom's style exactly, natural, earthy and handmade. She got it at Value Village for under $10. She uses this bowl as a center piece on her dinning room table. It works well for all seasons. In the winter she puts pine cones in it, and in the summer she uses seashells. It is so oversized that it is all you need to jazz up a table and make it look really put together. My mom loves all the imperfections to it, making it look like a true one of a kind find.

5. Upcycled Chairs
When my dad moved his office upstairs my mom finally had her dinning room back. She really wanted to find some mismatched wooden chairs to match the eclectic look of the room. She got the chairs off Kijiji, they were 5 for $40, what a steal! She took them home and tore them apart! She re-covered the chairs using coffee bags she purchased at the market from The Fire Roasted Coffee Company for $2 each. She painted one of the chairs with left over paint she found in the basement. The coffee bags give these chairs a really cool pop of colour. The room has really muted colours so thie pink on the bags really brighten up the room and make the chairs stand out. Basically my mom furnished her dinning room table with a little bit of work and around $50.

And our all time favourite second hand finds....